“The creation of something new is not accomplished by the intellect but by the play instinct.”
Carl Jung


兒童心理學側重於兒童從產前發育到青春期的思想和行為。 兒童心理學不僅涉及兒童的身體成長,還涉及他們的心理、
Positbeans 舉辦的兒童學習課程是基於兒童發展、兒童心理學及正向心理學,並且跟據兒童成長不同階段的需要而設計的。

當學習融入環境和日常生活時,可以幫助加強兒童積極實踐。在 Positbeans,我們通過遊戲教授技能。這樣可以開發和培養兒童的身體


Child psychology focus on the thinking and behavior of children from prenatal development through adolescence.
Child psychology is concerned with not only children's physical growth, but also their mental, emotional and social development to help children become
who they really are and use this information to improve parenting, education and child care, areas where the benefit of children is the focus.
The children's learning courses held by Positbeans are designed based on child development, child psychology and positive psychology. 
All courses pay great attention to the effective healthy development and well-being of children.

Since children are the best learners, many developmental psychologists have strongly advocated the importance of play in children's lives.
Games provide children witha strong intrinsic motivational framework to practice what they learn. When learning is integrated into the environment and everyday life,
it can help reinforce positive practice in children. At Positbeans, we teach skills through play. This develops and nurtures children's physical and visual perception,
cognitive, emotional and self-regulation skills. At the same time, remind us why play is so important in a child's life.

  • Mindful Play: Calm the Little Minds
    (暑期親子班 : Age 3-8)

    Mindful Play: Calm the Little Minds
    (暑期親子班 : Age 3-8)

    Through interesting mindfulness games, it is easier for children to master mindfulness skills, so that they can bring games into daily life and establish mindfulness habits.

    Parents can also enhance parent-child relationships through silent and interactive games.

  • Mindful Play: Calm the Little Minds
    (Group: Age 6-11)

    Mindful Play: Calm the Little Minds
    (Group: Age 6-11)

    By learning and experiencing mindfulness activities, growing children can more easily identify their emotions and feelings.

    When children are trained to bring mindfulness into their daily lives and school environments, they can better manage their emotions and reduce stress, thereby building healthy partnerships with classmates and friends as well as promoting healthy growth and development.

  • Discover Kids Strengths

    Discover Kids Strengths

  • How to raise a Positive Child?

    How to raise a Positive Child?

  • Five-Factor Personality for Kids

    Five-Factor Personality for Kids

    Understanding your child's personality is a key to their positive development, future success and achievement of goals.

  • LEGO® Serious Play® for Potentials of Kids

    LEGO® Serious Play® for Potentials of Kids

    The LEGO® Serious Play® is a facilitated technique which unlocks the potential of kids in the workshop.