工作與健康息息相關。跟據職安局一項研究報告指出,超過三成打工仔的工作壓力水平處於 「高」或「非常高」的狀態。香港打工仔工時長、輪班、工作量大,不論是前線還是後勤崗位,高壓工作下都會引發不同程度的心理健康問題及不良的影響,例如:缺勤、拖延症、倦怠症等都是常見由長期高度壓力下而出現的反應。嚴重起來更會造成情緒病,例如抑鬱症,嚴重影響生活和工作。
為了確保健康不會受到工作的不利影響,認識職場心理健康對打工仔來說很重要。因為職業健康涉及工作和工作環境如何影響打工仔的身心健康。 它還包括打工仔的健康如何影響他們的工作能力。 因此,關注職場心理健康,了解這些壓力的來源,並制定合適的紓壓方針去改善整體健康和福祉。
Work and health are closely related. According to a research report by the OSHC, more than 30% of workers have a "high" or "very high" level of work stress. Hong Kong workers have long working hours, shifts, and heavy workload. Whether they are frontline or back office positions, high-pressure work will cause varying degrees of mental health problems and adverse effects, such as absenteeism, procrastination, and burnout, those are common reaction that occurs under high stress. When it becomes serious, it will cause emotional diseases, such as depression, which seriously affects life and work.
In order to ensure that health is not adversely affected by work, it is important for workers to understand workplace mental health. Because occupational health involves work and how the working environment affects the physical and mental health of workers. It also includes how workers' health affects their ability to work. Therefore, focus on workplace mental health, understand the sources of these stressors, and develop appropriate stress management strategies to improve overall health and well-being.
世界衛生組織 (WHO) 強調健康是身體、社會及心理的良好狀態。 "心理幸福感" 可以預防和恢復我們的身體健康狀況。擁有幸福感代表我們擁有良好的心理健康、個人成長、人生目標、高生活滿意度及投入度、與他人的積極關係、對環境的掌控力及自主性,以及管理壓力的能力。
"韌性" 被認為是可以克服及成功應對逆境,並從生活壓力中恢復過來的能力。有些人被挑戰擊倒,但他們可以比以前更堅強的身份回歸。心理韌性能夠防止某些心理健康問題的發展,即使面對壓力和環境挑戰,仍然保持健康。
在香港這個繁華卻充滿壓力的城市,無論在生活或是職場都承受著不同類型的壓力,容易令人喘不過氣來,造成情緒困擾。我們必須培養"幸福技能" 以應對人生種種挑戰。當我們加強”幸福技能”方面的時間越長,就越容易保持"韌性" ,並且能夠在壓力中反彈過來並繼續前進。
Happiness continues to decline in Hong Kong
According to the 2023 World Happiness Report, Hong Kong people's sense of well-being has dropped for three consecutive years in the global happiness index, and it is in a relatively low position in Asia.
The World Health Organization (WHO) emphasizes that health is a state of physical, social and psychological well-being. "Psychological well-being" prevents and restores our physical health. Having a sense of well-being means having good mental health, personal growth, purpose in life, high levels of life satisfaction and engagement, positive relationships with others, control and autonomy over our environment, and the ability to manage stress.
"Resilience" is considered the ability to overcome and successfully cope with adversity and recover from life's stressors. Some people are knocked down by challenges, but they can come back stronger than before. Psychological resilience is the ability to prevent certain mental health problems from developing and to remain healthy even in the face of stress and environmental challenges.
In Hong Kong, a bustling city full of stress, people are under different types of pressure in life or in the workplace, which can easily make people breathless and cause emotional distress. We must develop "well-being skills" to cope with life's challenges. The longer we strengthen our "well-being skills," the easier it is to maintain "resilience" and be able to bounce back from stress and move on.
Positbeans Academy 為此相關學習範圍提供以下公開課程:
"人際關係"是我們生活的核心,在家裡與我們的家人、與我們的朋友、在學校的同學、與工作場所的同事,以及在我們多元化的社區中都必須與其他人進行互動。"積極的溝通"可以創造及促進健康的人際關係和制度,同時可以更輕鬆地處理衝突並促進更強大、更健康的伙伴關係。 研究證實,培養積極的互動關係能夠增加我們的幸福感,並提供更大的生活滿意度,幫助我們茁壯成長 (Seligman, 2002)。
當我們的人際關係運作良好時,它有助於加深和擴大美好時光,在逆境中為我們提供支持,並提高學習和工作環境的效率。 不幸的是,許多關係並不順利,給個人、家庭和社會帶來很多痛苦。因此,這些關係的質量決定了我們個人的福祉、與他人的聯繫感以及社會的健康。
"Relationships" are at the heart of our lives, and we must interact with others at home with our families, with our friends, with our classmates at school, with colleagues in the workplace, and in our diverse communities. "Positive communication" creates and promotes healthy relationships and institutions, while managing conflict more easily and promoting stronger, healthier partnerships. Research confirms that cultivating positive, interactive relationships increases our sense of well-being and provides greater life satisfaction, helping us thrive (Seligman, 2002).
When our relationships work well, it helps to deepen and amplify the good times, supports us in times of adversity, and enhances the effectiveness of our learning and work environments. Unfortunately, many relationships do not go well, causing a lot of pain to the individual, family and society. The quality of these relationships thus determines our individual well-being, our sense of connection with others, and the health of our society.
In today's society, positive interactions and relationships contribute to the meaning and quality of our lives and work. We must learn to deal with the challenges involved in establishing and maintaining positive relationships, thereby being able to strengthen relationships and communication in different areas of life for interactions that promote well-being.
Positbeans Academy 為此相關學習範圍提供以下公開課程:
"個人效能" 是成功及專業人士的一個關鍵特質,也是成功和充實生活的重要組成部分。 具有良好個人效能技能,意味著無論您擔任什麼角色,您都將更加高效、更有動力、持續實現目標並取得進步。
在生活中實現個人效能可以幫助您感到更加滿足和成就感,這有利於積極的心理健康。 了解自己能力的人可以更好地處理突發情況,過上更充實的生活,對自己更有信心,這是成功和滿足感的重要組成部分。同時,專注於發展個人效能可以讓你認真思考你在生活、工作和人際關係中想實現的目標。 制定詳細計劃並了解自己前進方向的人往往更有可能實現自己的目標,也更有可能持續取得進展。
如果您想在工作場所脫穎而出並給同事留下深刻印象,那麼個人效能是一項重要的品質。 具有良好個人效能技能的人更適合共事,因為他們積極主動、積極投入、有組織性,並且始終如一地兌現承諾。 如果您想在工作中取得成功,擁有個人效率技能將會產生很大的影響。
"Personal efficacy" is a key trait of successful and professional people, often associated with positive well-being and an important component of a successful and fulfilling life. Having strong personal effectiveness skills means you'll be more productive, motivated, consistently achieving your goals and making progress, no matter your role. Fully understanding your strengths and developing the skills you need to be effective will have a huge positive impact.
Recognize your strengths and develop skills will have a huge positive impact
Achieving personal efficacy in your life can help you feel more satisfied and fulfilled, which contributes to positive mental health. People who understand their abilities can better handle unexpected situations, live more fulfilling lives, and have more confidence in themselves, which is an important part of success and satisfaction. At the same time, focus on developing personal effectiveness is also important because it allows you to think hard about what you want to achieve in your life, work, and relationships. People who have detailed plans and know where they are headed tend to be more likely to achieve their goals and more likely to make sustained progress.
Personal effectiveness is an important quality if you want to stand out in the workplace and impress your colleagues. People with good personal efficacy skills are better to work with because they are proactive, engaged, organized, and consistently deliver on their commitments. Having personal productivity skills can make all the difference if you want to be successful at work.
Positbeans Academy 為此相關學習範圍提供以下公開課程:
心理學家和世界知名的心態專家 Carol Dweck 研究表明,我們所有人都擁有固定心態或成長心態。 有可能在生活的某些領域擁有成長型思維模式,而在其他領域擁有固定型思維模式。 成長型思維相信特定特質可以通過實踐而得到改善。
新的研究表明,我們的意志力和精神集中度似乎是由心態決定的。 任何人都可以採取強有力的策略來增強意志力,這對您的健康、生產力和幸福感都有巨大好處。
Make a difference by changing your mindset
Psychologist and world renowned mindset expert, Carol Dweck's research reveals that we all possess either a fixed mindset or a growth mindset. It’s possible to have a growth mindset in some areas of life and a fixed mindset in others. Growth mindsets believe that a given trait can be improved through practice.
Those with a growth mindset believe:
The mindset that brings unlimited willpower
Willpower means the ability to avoid short-term temptations and override unwanted thoughts, feelings or impulses.
In fact, people also need to rely on their willpower in many situations. For example: Some people seem to have more willpower than others, and they can resolve to do some physical activity after a hard day at work, while others give up on their fitness goals and fall into the allure of junk food and TV.
Our willpower and mental focus appear to be determined by our state of mind, Some new research suggested that anyone can implement to boost willpower as their powerful strategies. There have huge benefits for your health, productivity, and happiness
Positbeans Academy 為此相關學習範圍提供以下公開課程:
通過使用各種的心理測量工具可以幫助加速情感、關係和潛力的發展。 它們幫助個人了解自己是誰,提高自我意識,學習如何在必要時調整自己的溝通方式及行為,減少衝突及壓力管理,從而幫助自己發揮最高水平並促進有效的人際關係。在個人發展領域,它幫助自己發現優勢,識別阻礙自己發展的障礙,對配對職業和工作環境發揮著關鍵作用。
Have you ever wondered. . .
What are your strengths?
How can you better use your potential?
How to improve interaction and reduce conflict?
How to enhance effective communication?
How can you go beyond your blind spots?
How can you stay calm when things get out of hand?
What career and work environment allow you to be effective?
How does a leader build an effective team?
To answer these and other questions about personality, character strengths, qualities, and potential, most use psychometric assessments.
because. . . .
Using a variety of psychometric tools can help accelerate the development of emotions, relationships, and potential. They help individuals understand who they are, increase self-awareness, learn how to adjust their communication styles and behaviors when necessary, reduce conflict and manage stress, thereby helping you perform at their highest levels and promoting effective interpersonal relationships. In the field of personal development, it helps you discover your strengths, identify obstacles that hinder your development, and plays a key role in matching careers and work environments.
Positbeans Academy 為此相關學習範圍提供以下公開課程:
「教練技術」可以釋放一個人的潛力,以最大限度地提高自己的表現。 它幫助他們學習而不是教他們 (Whitmore, 2003)。
國際教練聯合會 (ICF) 展示了教練技術帶來的廣泛好處,這些好處是:提高自我意識,更好地設定目標,更平衡的生活,降低壓力水平,增強自我發現,增強信心,提高生活質量,增強溝通技巧,提高項目完成率,改善健康或健身水平,更好的家庭關係及與同事的關係。
教練技術對個人好處 (Jarvis, 2004)
Coaching is unlocking a person’s potential to maximize their own performance. It is helping them to learn rather than teaching them (Whitmore, 2003).
The international coach federation (ICF) where a wide range of benefits from coaching are presented. These following benefits were: increased self-awareness, better goal setting, a more-balanced life, lower stress levels, enhanced self-discovery, increased confidence, improved quality of life, enhanced communication skills, increased project completion, improved health or fitness level, better relationship with co-workers, and better family relationship.
Individual Benefits of Coaching (Jarvis, 2004)
The following courses will use different innovative coaching tools with "Coaching techniques" to reflect on and explore the relevant issues in the topic, so as to obtain relevant directions. Learners to increase self-awareness and rediscover themselves in related areas from the course. Ultimately, it can help leaners better set goals, solve problems, reduce stress levels, increase self-confidence, improve interpersonal and communications, generate new experiences and information in related fields, so as to better release a person's potential and carry out personal development.
Positbeans Academy 為此相關學習範圍提供以下公開課程: