POSITBEANS developing training & development programs
to improve well-being and performance in life & workplace
Resilience and Willpower
Interpersonal Communications
Effectiveness and Performance
Mindset Transformation
Psychometric Profiling
調查發現:香港人的精神健康指數得分為48.03分,處於不合格水平 (全港精神健康指數調查, 2021)。
香港人的整體抑鬱指數大幅上升,較2018年之前的調查上升近30% (全港抑鬱指數調查, 2020)。
名譽教授 Jon Kabat-Zinn 是馬薩諸塞大學醫學中心減壓診所的創始人,他幫助將靜觀冥想的練習帶入主流醫學,並證明練習靜觀可以改善身體和心理症狀以及積極 健康、態度和行為的改變。 靜觀是一種覺察力,通過有意識地、不加批判地留心當下的經驗 (Kabat-Zinn, 2003)。
提高靜觀能力有助於過上滿意生活的態度。 保持靜觀可以更輕鬆地享受生活中的樂趣,幫助您充分參與活動,並增強應對不良事件的能力。
科學家們發現,靜觀技巧可以通過多種方式幫助改善身體健康,例如 有助於緩解壓力、治療心臟病、降低血壓、減輕慢性疼痛、改善睡眠和緩解胃腸道問題。
“你無法阻止海浪,但你可以學習衝浪。” - Jon Kabat-Zinn
Professor emeritus Jon Kabat-Zinn, founder of the Stress Reduction Clinic at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center, helped to bring the practice of mindfulness meditation into mainstream medicine and demonstrated that practicing mindfulness can bring improvements in both physical and psychological symptoms as well as positive changes in health, attitudes, and behaviors.
Mindfulness is the awareness that emerges through paying attention on purpose, in the present moment, and nonjudgmentally to the unfolding of experience moment by moment (Kabat-Zinn, 2003).
Mindfulness improves well-being
Increasing your capacity for mindfulness supports many attitudes that contribute to a satisfied life. Being mindful makes it easier to savor the pleasures in life as they occur, helps you become fully engaged in activities, and creates a greater capacity to deal with adverse events.
Mindfulness improves physical health
Scientists have discovered that mindfulness techniques help improve physical health in a number of ways, e.g. help relieve stress, treat heart disease, lower blood pressure, reduce chronic pain, improve sleep, and alleviate gastrointestinal difficulties.
Mindfulness improves mental health
Psychotherapists have turned to mindfulness meditation as an important element in the treatment of a number of problems, including: depression, substance abuse, eating disorders, conflicts, anxiety disorders, and obsessive-compulsive disorder.
“You can't stop the waves, but you can learn to surf.” - Jon Kabat-Zinn
Positbeans Academy為此相關學習範圍提供各種公開課程,如下:
正向心理學中的心理韌性是指應對生活拋給你的一切的能力。 有些人被挑戰擊倒,但他們以比以前更堅強的人的身份回歸。 一個有韌性的人通過利用個人資源、優勢和其他積極的心理資本能力 (如希望、樂觀和自我效能) 來應對挑戰。
心理韌性很重要,因為它可以幫助防止某些心理健康問題的發展。 心理韌性幫助我們在困難的環境中保持健康。
Resilience in positive psychology refers to the ability to cope with whatever life throws at you. Some people are knocked down by challenges, but they return as a stronger person more steadfast than before. A resilient person works through challenges by using personal resources, strengths, and other positive capacities of psychological capital like hope, optimism, and self-efficacy.
Why are wellbeing and resilience important?
Resilience is important because it can help to protect against the development of some mental health problems. Resilience helps us to maintain our wellbeing in difficult circumstances.
Positbeans Academy為此相關學習範圍提供各種公開課程,如下:
大量研究證實,人際交往能力和有效的溝通與績效和生產力的成功有關。 積極的溝通可以創造健康的人際關係,並有助於促進積極的關係和制度,幫助我們茁壯成長。
人際關係對我們很重要,因為僅僅作為一個正常人存在就需要與其他人互動。 最近的研究證實,積極的社會互動和培養牠們會增加我們的主觀幸福感,增加幸福感並提供更大的生活滿意度 (Seligman, 2002)。 有助於培養人際關係的最重要的關鍵之一是積極的溝通。 儘管確實所有關係都會有起有落,但健康的溝通方式可以更輕鬆地處理衝突並促進更強大、更健康的伙伴關係。
Numerous Studies have confirmed that interpersonal skills and communication efficiency are related to the success of performance and productivity.
Positive communication can create healthy interpersonal relationships, and to contribute positive relationships and institutions to help us to thrive.
Relationships are important for us because simply to exist as a normal human being requires interaction with other people. Recent studies affirm that positive social interactions and nurturing them increase our subjective well-being, augment happiness and provide greater life satisfaction (Seligman, 2002). One of the most important keys that help to foster interpersonal relationships is positive communication. Although it is true all relationships have ups and downs, a healthy communication style can make it easier to deal with conflict and promote a stronger and healthier partnership.
Positbeans Academy為此相關學習範圍提供各種公開課程,如下:
自我效能之父Albert Bandura 將自我效能定義為“人們相信自己有能力產生指定水平的表現,從而對影響他們生活的事件施加影響”(Bandura, 1994)。
自我效能是人們對自己的能力和能力的信念。 各種形式的自我效能感都會影響我們的思想、情緒、行為和動機。 換句話說,自我效能是連接個人目標、績效和動機的重要元素。
“為了成功,人們需要自我效能感,與韌性一起奮鬥,以應對生活中不可避免的障礙和不平等。” -Albert Bandura
Albert Bandura (1977), father of self-efficacy, defined it as “people’s beliefs about their capabilities to produce designated levels of performance that exercise their influence over events that affect their lives” (Bandura, 1994). Self-Efficacy is the belief people have in their abilities and competencies. Self-efficacy in all forms influence our thoughts, emotions, actions, and motivation. In other words, self-efficacy is serves as a connecting link on the person’s goals, performance and motivation.
“In order to succeed, people need a sense of self-efficacy, struggle together with resilience to meet the inevitable obstacles and inequities of life.” -Albert Bandura
Positbeans Academy為此相關學習範圍提供各種公開課程,如下:
Mindset 是來自正向心理學領域的一個簡單但具有開創性的想法。 心理學家和世界知名的心態專家 Carol Dweck 花費了數十年時間研究成就和成功。
為什麼智力和才能不能準確預測成功? 智力和才能甚至可能成為成功的障礙。
Dweck的研究表明,我們所有人都擁有固定心態或成長心態。 有可能在生活的某些領域擁有成長型思維模式,而在其他領域擁有固定型思維模式。
Make a difference by changing your mindset
Mindset is one simple yet groundbreaking idea from the field of positive psychology. Psychologist and world renowned mindset expert, Carol Dweck has spent decades researching achievements and successes.
Why intelligence and talent don’t accurately predict success? How intelligence and talent may even become obstacles to success.
Dweck’s research reveals that we all possess either a fixed mindset or a growth mindset. It’s possible to have a growth mindset in some areas of life and a fixed mindset in others. Mindset has a profound effect on motivation to learn.
How we can unlock the limitless potential in ourselves and others by developing a growth mindset, drastically increase performance and productivity?
Do you have a fixed or growth mindset?
Those with a fixed mindset believe:
Those with a growth mindset believe:
Positbeans Academy為此相關學習範圍提供各種公開課程,如下:
通過使用心理測評分析來提高自我意識。 我們通過在工作和生活中改善溝通、減少衝突、發展和壓力管理,幫助人們發揮最高水平並促進有效的人際關係。
By using psychometric profiling to increase self-awareness. We help people perform at their highest level and promote effective relationships by improving communication, decreasing conflict, developmental and stress management at work and life.
Positbeans Academy為此相關學習範圍提供各種公開課程,如下:
教練可以釋放一個人的潛力,以最大限度地提高自己的表現。 它正在幫助他們學習而不是教他們 (Whitmore, 2003)。 它對於有效、長期、持續地改變教學和培訓實踐至關重要。
國際教練聯合會 (ICF) 展示了教練帶來的廣泛好處,這些好處是:提高自我意識,更好地設定目標,更平衡的生活,降低壓力水平,增強自我發現,增強信心,提高生活質量,增強溝通技巧,提高項目完成率,改善健康或健身水平,更好的家庭關係及與同事的關係。
教練對個人好處 (Jarvis, 2004)
Coaching is unlocking a person’s potential to maximize their own performance. It is helping them to learn rather than teaching them (Whitmore, 2003). It is essential for effective, long-term, sustained changes to teaching and training practice.
The international coach federation (ICF) where a wide range of benefits from coaching are presented. These following benefits were: increased self-awareness, better goal setting, a more-balanced life, lower stress levels, enhanced self-discovery, increased confidence, improved quality of life, enhanced communication skills, increased project completion, improved health or fitness level, better relationship with co-workers, and better family relationship.
Individual Benefits of Coaching (Jarvis, 2004)
Positbeans Academy為此相關學習範圍提供各種公開課程,如下: